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Religious practices

TQO - In the great treasure of folklore of Tuyen Quang, religious practices alway plays an important role in spiritual life. Although each ethnic ...

The colour of brocade

TQO - Brocade also plays an important role in the cultural and spiritual life of the ethnic minority groups in Tuyen Quang Province.

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Wood stove of ethnic people

TQO - The wood stove plays a very important role in the lives of ethnic minorities in the highlands. Most of the work of the ethnic people in the highlands requires light from the wood stove such as sewing, embroidery or knitting, etc.

Beauty of Tuyen Quang women

TQO - Tuyen Quang is home to 22 ethnic groups. Each ethnic group has its own cultural beauty, contributing to the enrichment of the cultures of the ethnic groups. The richness of that culture is clearly shown from customs, cuisine to ...