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Thuong Giap strives to reduce poverty

TQO - Thuong Giap Commune (Na Hang District) strives to reduce rate of the poverty by 4% per year, bringing the average per capita income of the ...

Changes in Dao Te Hamlet

TQO - Deo Te Hamlet, Hung Duc Commune, Ham Yen District has 105 households, all of them are Dao Quan Trang with many typical cultural identities.

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Binh Xa - New-style rural area commune

TQO - In 2010, Binh Xa Commune (Ham Yen) was selected by the district as a pilot commune to implement the National Target Program on new rural style area construction.

Multiply hearts

TQO - To create the most favorable conditions for candidates participating in the 2024 High School Graduation Exam in Tuyen Quang province, authorities and benefactors have organized many practical volunteer activities, highly appreciated ...

"Golden Key"

TQO - Vietnam has just surpassed the 100 million population mark. This is a great opportunity for Vietnam to increase its influence in the region. However, it comes with many challenges as we are in the golden population period but the ...