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Orange "Millionaires"village

From growing oranges, farmers in  village 1ThuocThuong, Tan Thanh commune (Ham Yen district) changed their life.

The “King of bees” in Tuyen Quang

Phong Tho beekeeping cooperative run by Mr. Tran Xuan Phong, located in Phuc Loc A village, An Khang commune, Tuyen Quang city, generates over 1,000 ...

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Price of pork and green vegetables increase sharply

TQO - Due to the fluctuation of weather, erratic rain and sunshine, people have encountered many difficulties in growing green vegetables this year. Therefore, the prices of green vegetables have also fluctuated abnormally.

Developing the Luc Truc bamboo growing model

TQO - Veteran Ngo Ngoc Thanh, village 4, Lang Bat, Tan Thanh commune (Ham Yen) has pioneered in bringing Luc Truc bamboo (a bamboo variety originating from Taiwan) to grow locally, opening up a new direction of development with great ...