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Using social networks in accordance with the law

TQO - Using social networks to express each individual's freedom of speech is not prohibited by law.

Everyone has the right to express their opinions, propose wishes or criticize bad phenomena in life.

The Law on Cyber ​​Security and related legal documents strictly prohibit acts of insulting the honor and dignity of others, posting obscene, depraved information, contrary to Vietnamese customs and cultural ethics on cyberspace.

According to the provisions of the Law, many individuals who post and disseminate clips with offensive content on social networks have been handled by the authorities. Along with that, the act of taking advantage of social networks to make indiscriminate statements that influence, incite, are untrue, and insult the honor and dignity of others is also strictly punished.

Clearly, the Law on Cyber ​​Security has strong enough sanctions and many obvious lessons are still existed. Therefore, social network users should not let anger or lack of knowledge cause them to unintentionally turn themselves into criminals.

Hoang Anh

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