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Building a sustainable 'safety net'

TQO - Vietnam is currently one of the first 30 countries in the world and the first country in Asia to apply a multi-dimensional poverty standard, ensuring a minimum standard of living and a lack of access to basic 6-dimensional social services: job; medical; education; house; water and sanitation; and information.

Therefore, the 2021-2025 Poverty Reduction Program has fundamentally changed in terms of goals, requirements, and higher demands than previous periods. In addition to income, six other basic social service shortages must be reduced. Completely change the support mechanism from free to conditional support. The goal of poverty reduction is not simply to reduce income poverty, but to be higher, more complete and more inclusive.

By 2024, Vietnam will develop an inclusive and diverse social security system, improving access for target groups, especially disadvantaged people and ethnic minorities, focusing on 3 issues: Both prevent, overcome and adapt to risks, aiming to build an inclusive and sustainable safety net so that everyone can participate and enjoy social achievements.

In Tuyen Quang province, poverty reduction is given special attention. The province has issued Plan No. 265 on implementing the sustainable poverty reduction target program in 2024. The plan sets the target rate of poverty in the whole province decreased by an average of over 3%/year, poor ethnic minority households decreased by 4%/year or more, and poor districts decreased by 4%/year or more. Ensure that 100% of poor districts receive investment support to develop regionally linked socio-economic infrastructure, serving people's livelihood, production, trade, circulation of goods and provision of social services. basic. Poor households and near-poor households need preferential credit loans to develop production and business. Workers from poor households, near-poor households, and households just escaping poverty need support in connection, advice, and career orientation.

With the full implementation of social assistance regimes and policies for poor households, vulnerable people, and ethnic minorities, it has contributed to stabilizing life and ensuring social security for people.

Phuong Dong

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