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Preventing spread of ditheria

TQO - Diphtheria has appeared in a number of provinces and cities across the country, including some cases in Bac Giang province.

This disease is quite dangerous, spreading quickly through the respiratory tract due to contact with sick people or healthy people carrying diphtheria bacteria.

Complicated developments in weather, especially erratic rain and sunshine, are favorable conditions for the spread of diseases, including leukemia.

To ensure people's health safety, immediately after diphtheria appeared in some localities in the country, the province issued documents directing and urging authorities, especially the health sector. The Ministry of Health closely coordinates with local authorities to monitor, update developments and evaluate the epidemic situation in the province; Strengthen monitoring and early detection of suspected cases of diphtheria in the community, take samples for testing to promptly identify cases of the disease, etc.

In addition to seriously implementing the guiding responsibility of the province, the health sector and localities need to do a good job of propagating and guiding people on disease prevention and control measures, not being subjective or negligent with epidemics. , because without prevention skills, you can get infected at any time, not only threatening the health and life of yourself, your family and the whole community.

Thanh Thanh

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