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Supporting poor households in building houses

TQO - Based on the results achieved through 2 years of implementing the Project to eliminate temporary and dilapidated housing for poor households and reviewing poor households with temporary and dilapidated housing, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee has implemented the plan to build housing for poor households in 2024.

In particular, implementing new and repairing houses for 933 poor households; renewed for 788 households and repaired 145 households. Housing construction is carried out according to the principle of prioritizing policy families, poor households that are ethnic minorities in extremely difficult areas, and poor households in new rural construction communes.

The tasks and solutions that continue to be implemented are to focus on widely propagating the purpose, meaning and results of implementing the Project on eliminating temporary and dilapidated housing for poor households to officials, party members, and union members. members and people from all walks of life, the business community in all communes, wards and towns in the province, in order to create consensus and promote the synergy of the entire political system, the consensus, synergy of the entire society in implementing the elimination of temporary and dilapidated housing for poor households, helping poor households stabilize their lives.

Recently, the implementation of the Project to support the removal of temporary housing and dilapidated houses for poor households has received people's attention, support and proactive participation. With the spirit of being proactive, flexible, and fiercely focused in mobilizing resources to build housing for poor households, departments, branches, unions, and localities have made efforts to mobilize all resources for implementation; Timely review and match support objects according to reality. At the same time, promote inspection and urge implementation based on the agreed-upon criteria; promote the positivity and initiative of household heads, and the participation and assistance of the entire political system.

With each newly completed house, a poor household will have a stable place to live, without having to worry about the burden of housing. From there, it helps poor households feel secure in productive labor and escape poverty. Thereby, contributing together with the Party Committee and authorities to complete the targets and tasks of local socio-economic development.

Phuong Dong

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