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Realistic benefit

TQO - From July 1, 2024, implementing a comprehensive reform of salary policy will adjust pensions, social insurance benefits, monthly benefits, and preferential benefits for people with meritorious services; Change health insurance premiums.

Previously, on November 10, 2023, the National Assembly passed Resolution No. 104/2023/QH15 on state budget estimates for 2024. Accordingly, from July 1, 2024, comprehensive political reform will be implemented. salary policy according to Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW dated May 21, 2018 of the Seventh Conference of the Central Executive Committee term XII. At the same time, adjust pensions, social insurance benefits, monthly benefits, preferential benefits for meritorious people and a number of social security policies that are tied to the base salary.

When implementing salary reform, the salary coefficient and base salary no longer exist. Accordingly, the above mentioned social insurance benefits will also change. Currently, the Government is proposing subsidies tied to the base salary equal to the current highest level and set in a specific amount. For example, the expected postpartum and sickness allowance is VND540,000 per day; One-time allowance when giving birth is VND3.6 million per child. When there is no longer a salary coefficient and base salary, it is also necessary to review and provide new guidance on health insurance premiums and benefits for beneficiaries. such as households and students, reflecting the flexibility and adaptation of policies to socio-economic realities. Or the implementation of adjusted medical costs to be more appropriate, will lead to the way people access medical services and reflect a major change in social security policy.

These changes were made in the context of salary reform, where the salary coefficient and base salary are no longer the basis for calculating benefits. Instead, the Government will propose to regulate subsidies, health insurance contributions or medical examination and treatment costs in specific amounts, to ensure the rights of workers and people when participating medical services.

People from all walks of life are looking forward to comprehensive reform of wage policy in our country, not only bringing new breath to workers and pensioners but also social insurance benefits and welfare policies.

Duc Anh

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