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Prevention is the key

TQO - Proactively responding to the risk of flash floods and landslides, Tuyen Quang province has issued specific instructions and decisions to declare emergency situations regarding natural disasters to respond to flash floods and landslides in some areas in the province.

In the face of the current complex weather conditions, planning and arranging the evacuation of residents from dangerous areas is a key task, both urgent and long-term. Along with regular warnings, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the principle of taking prevention as the key.

Localities regularly disseminate, disseminate, practice and prepare well measures to prevent and combat natural disasters, and establish rescue units to be ready to help people evacuate, search, rescue, rescue people and protect people's property.

Specialized agencies must coordinate with local authorities to strictly manage the construction of houses and public works in areas where natural disasters are likely to occur, and strictly prohibit construction and living in high-risk areas.

According to experts, in addition to the priority solution of evacuating people from dangerous areas, it is necessary to implement more long-term measures such as actively planting and protecting upstream protective forests, especially in areas that often cause flash floods, to protect the ecological environment, increase the water retention capacity of the basin, and limit the ability to concentrate flood flows. At the same time, it is necessary to build reservoirs to regulate floods, clear flood drainage routes, etc. In particular, each person needs to be proactive in prevention, master the skills to recognize signs of danger and proactively evacuate to minimize damage.

Ngoc Mai

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