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Do not let epidemics overlap epidemics

TQO - The weather is very complicated, with heavy rain, high humidity, and erratic sunshine, creating ideal conditions for insects that cause infectious diseases in humans to arise and develop, severely affecting people's lives and putting pressure on health agencies.

Although no cases of infectious diseases have been identified in Tuyen Quang province, disease prevention must still be given top priority from now on, avoiding the situation of "waiting until the last minute", epidemics overlapping epidemics causing unpredictable consequences, especially for young children when the new school year is approaching.

Therefore, in areas affected by heavy rains, it is necessary to mobilize environmental sanitation forces, clean the environment as soon as the water recedes to avoid disease-causing insects such as mosquitoes, larvae, and ticks that cause dengue fever; eye diseases, diarrhea, and hand, foot, and mouth disease. Recently, some residential groups in Minh Xuan ward (Tuyen Quang city) have taken action to do this well, cleaning sewers after heavy rains, ensuring the environment and urban beauty. Along with the participation of health agencies to guide disinfection, local authorities have mobilized people to proactively clean village roads, alleys, and animal pens after floods; absolutely do not throw animal carcasses into streams, causing the spread of disease to humans, etc.

Thanh Cong

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