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Disease prevention opportunities

TQO - According to the Ministry of Health, in the first months of 2024, many dangerous infectious diseases returned such as measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, etc. Most of the infected children were not old enough to be vaccinated or had not been fully vaccinated.

Vaccines are an important medical achievement, helping to control epidemics and prevent diseases for humans in a relatively safe way, especially for diseases such as influenza, measles, chickenpox, whooping cough, mumps, rubella, polio, meningitis, etc.

However, vaccines can also cause some side effects such as mild fever, injection site irritation, nausea, diarrhea, etc., but the probability of post-vaccination reactions is very small, even transient, while the dangers of not vaccinating are very high. However, many people use the fear of these side effects as an excuse to not vaccinate their children. When children are not fully vaccinated, it is very easy for the disease to spread in the community.

Medical experts say that all vaccines must undergo thorough research and strict production to ensure safety. The benefits of vaccination are enormous, helping to prevent the risk of illness and death each year, saving money, time, and protecting the health of each individual. Therefore, parents should equip themselves with adequate knowledge about vaccination and proactively vaccinate their children, do not deprive children of the opportunity to prevent diseases, while each parent can proactively prevent diseases from afar, early for children by vaccinating.

Duong Cam

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