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Warning about fake antibiotics

TQO - The Drug Administration, Ministry of Health has just warned about fake Cefixime 200 antibiotics appearing at some retail establishments in many localities. The labels of these two samples show the place of manufacture as Cuu Long Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company.

However, the company representative said that there were signs of differences between the drug samples kept at the unit and the drug samples tested, showing that the tested drug was fake. Cefixime 200 is an oral antibiotic, sold by prescription, treating infections caused by sensitive bacteria such as otitis media, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, etc.

Through inspection, the Drug Administration and the company representative said that with the real medicine, the pills are evenly colored, the edges and faces of the pills are not chipped. As for the fake medicine, the edges of the pills are chipped a lot, the coating is thin, the color of the pills in the same blister pack is not uniform, there are colored spots.

To ensure the rights and health of patients, the provincial health agencies need to strengthen inspections and guide drug businesses to sell drugs of the correct brand and origin, and strictly handle violations. At the same time, pharmacies need to sell prescription drugs according to the instructions of doctors.

Thanh Thanh

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