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Vaccines - Shield to protect health

TQO - Faced with the shortage of vaccines nationwide, the health sector of Tuyen Quang province has implemented many practical measures to overcome difficulties, improve the effectiveness of vaccination work in the area, and create a "shield" to protect public health.

Children are checked before vaccination.

In Tuyen Quang, according to a report from the provincial Center for Disease Control, in the first 6 months of the year, the vaccination rate for children under 1 year old reached 39.4%; UV2 vaccination for 3,292 pregnant women, reaching 39.1% of the plan; Hepatitis B vaccination for newborns for 4,139 children, reaching 40.5% of the plan; DPT injection for 4,696 children 18 months old, reaching 42.5% of the plan. All are lower than in 2023.

According to information from the Provincial Center for Disease Control, in August, Tuyen Quang will be allocated vaccines (5 in 1), DPT vaccines. The center will continue to coordinate with districts and cities to organize regular monthly vaccinations to ensure safety and effectiveness for fully supplied vaccines.

For vaccines that are in short supply, parents are advised to take their children to vaccination facilities for vaccination; at the same time, closely monitor the status of vaccines in the expanded vaccination program to take their children for catch-up and catch-up vaccinations as soon as vaccines are available.

To effectively prevent infectious diseases in the context of vaccine supply disruptions during this time, the provincial Health Department recommends that people proactively implement measures to prevent the spread of dangerous infectious diseases such as avoiding direct contact with sources of infection, people suspected of having infectious diseases; ensuring personal hygiene, hygiene of residence, study, and living; Improve nutrition to ensure the best health; monitor the health of yourself and your family members. If you have signs of suspected illness, go to a medical facility for examination, detection and timely treatment.

Minh Hoa

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