Tiếng việt | English

The strength of unity

TQO - The whole city was devastated after the flood. Everywhere was garbage and mud. But looking at the consequences of neighboring provinces, people in the province encouraged each other: Still lucky, as long as there are people, there is property.

And everyone united, joined forces to clean up the "battlefield" left by Mother Nature. The Provincial Business Association called on businesses to support vehicles, equipment and machinery for collection. Union members and youth also took to the field, green shirts covered the streets. Agencies and organizations organized 3 together activities, returned to heavily damaged communes to overcome the consequences. Relief trucks continued to come to each village, hamlet, etc.

Announcements about free meals, free food and accommodation for direct workers, and volunteer groups also made waves on social networks, warming people's hearts.

The spirit of solidarity of the people of Tuyen Quang once again brought great strength, overcoming all difficulties and challenges. The roads were cleaned as the flood receded. The close bond between the people and each cadre and party member truly demonstrated the spirit: When the storm and flood pass, humanity remains.

Nguyen Dat

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