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Proactively move and stabilize people during the rainy and stormy season

TQO - In recent years, landslides have occurred more frequently, most commonly landslides, rockfalls and collapses. This is a rather dangerous type, often occurring unexpectedly, so people must be vigilant and proactive in protecting their lives and property.

People help Mr. Nong Van Kim's family in Da Vi commune (Na Hang) overcome landslides after floods.

In Khang Nhat commune (Son Duong), there are 21 households at risk of landslides on the positive slope. Mr. Tran Dinh Hanh, Chairman of the Commune People's Committee, said: Recently, departments of Son Duong district have come to the site to conduct a review and assess the level of danger to have a support plan for each household. However, before that, some households had proactively overcome the risk to ensure the safety of their lives and property. The Commune People's Committee has guided people on land procedures and implementation plans to ensure compliance with the law, safety and convenience. Accordingly, 1 household that is often flooded every time it rains has moved to a new place without receiving support from the state; 4 high-risk households have treated the slope to prevent landslides into their houses.

Ms. Duong Thi Toi, Trung Tam village, Khang Nhat commune, has been worried for many years when the rainy season comes. Ms. Toi said that before every night of heavy rain, she and her husband open the door of the house, sleep on the porch, and when they discover a landslide, they run away. By 2023, she had spent more than VND60 million to buy land and spent VND117 million to level the slope behind the house to prevent landslides before this year's rainy season. Before that, in the rainy season of 2021, landslides buried part of the kitchen and chicken coop, causing both economic loss and fear.

Climate change has caused natural disasters to become more and more unusual, extreme with strong intensity, especially storms and floods which are very complicated, unpredictable, and have many potential risks; In particular, our province is a mountainous province, often experiencing floods and landslides during the rainy season, causing a lot of damage to people and property. Therefore, proactive prevention and action "one step earlier, one step faster" will contribute to ensuring the safety of people's property and lives, minimizing the negative impacts caused by natural disasters.

Trang Tam

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