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The core of domestic violence prevention

TQO - Promoting their roles and responsibilities, many female cadres in Tuyen Quang Province have actively come up with solutions of domestic ...

Healing without drugs

TQO - At the age of 50, Nguyen Thu Doai in group 7, Hung Thanh Ward (Tuyen Quang City) just started her career with treating by using bioelectric.

A teacher preserves Then melodies

TQO - Over the past 12 years, Bui Thi Thu Hong, a music teacher at the Provincial Ethnic Minority Boarding High School, has always been passionate ...

The story of "artists" on the street

TQO - Thanks to the creativity and meticulousness of street artisans, many unique and giant models of mid-autumn lanterns are paraded throughout ...

Row of siamese rough bush trees

TQO - Rows of siamese rough bush trees in Tan Trao Commune, Son Duong District have a unique beauty, attracting a lot of tourists.

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Creating sustainable livelihoods for ethnic minorities

TQO - Projects to support breeding cows and buffaloes in association with the value chain under the National Target Program for Socio-Economic Development of Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous Areas in 2024 implemented in Yen Son district ...

Repairing damaged clean water works after the flood

TQO - According to the report of the Center for Clean Water and Rural Environmental Sanitation, the recent floods have damaged 13 domestic water works in the province, causing interruptions in the supply of water to serve the daily needs ...

Dialogue with the People

TQO - In order to implement the regulations, in the past time, the heads of the Party committees and authorities at all levels in the province have organized many dialogues with the people.