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Supporting Tet gift for the poor

TQO - The Lunar New Year is an occasion to show concern and sharing, especially for those in difficult circumstances, the lonely, and the poor. At ...

Dong Tien jujube

TQO - Not only famous for king oranges, red flesh dragon fruit, Ham Yen District is also known for Dong Tien jujube (Yen Phu Commune). Dong Tien ...

Vinh Loi peach village

TQO - At this time, in the peach village of Vinh Loi Commune (Son Duong), the peach branches are reaching out to the wind to absorb the spring ...

Tuyen Quang's achievements in 2022

TQO - The year 2022 has ended with many impressive achievements in socio-economic development, security and defense assurance of Tuyen Quang Province.

Welcoming spring

TQO - The year 2022 marks a successful year for the province with a series of memorable milestones. Spectacular breakthrough tourism. External ...

The development of Son Thuy

TQO - After more than a year of electricity from the national grid reaching every household in Son Thuy Hamlet, Yen Thuan Commune (Ham Yen), people's ...

Sharing responsibility

TQO - Through the project to remove temporary and dilapidated houses for poor households in the province during the 2021-2025 period, Tuyen Quang ...

Most Viewed

Binh Xa - New-style rural area commune

TQO - In 2010, Binh Xa Commune (Ham Yen) was selected by the district as a pilot commune to implement the National Target Program on new rural style area construction.

Multiply hearts

TQO - To create the most favorable conditions for candidates participating in the 2024 High School Graduation Exam in Tuyen Quang province, authorities and benefactors have organized many practical volunteer activities, highly appreciated ...

"Golden Key"

TQO - Vietnam has just surpassed the 100 million population mark. This is a great opportunity for Vietnam to increase its influence in the region. However, it comes with many challenges as we are in the golden population period but the ...