Students of Xuan Lap Kindergarten (Lam Binh) are supported with lunch.
The project is implemented in the form of mobilizing benefactors to receive lunch support for the children. The “adopting parents” will choose to support by month, quarter and year with the levels of VND150,000 per month, VND550,000 per quarter, VND1,450,000 per annual quarter and VND1,450,000 per year.
To support, benefactors will contact via Fanpage: "Tiep buoc den truong" to get the code of the child they adopted. After having the adoption code, the “adoptive parents” will have full information of the student that they adopt including name, age, class, homeroom teacher, height, weight, etc. Then, they transfer to the project's account number. That amount will be sent directly to the school, certified and monitored by the Department of Education and Training.
During the implementation process, the project has received enthusiastic support from donors and created a ripple effect in the community. In just 15 days after the launch, 224 children were supported with a total amount of more than VND80 million.
The children's lunches now have enough nutrients. As a result, they are more eager to go to school, more focused on the lesson.