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Stuffed bitter melon

TQO - Stuffed bitter melon is a popular dish in hot summer days of Tuyen Quang people.

Ingredients to make stuffed bitter melon dish.

Ingredients of the dish include bitter melon, and the fillings of minced lean meat, dried onions, pepper, and a little fish sauceto retain the taste of bitter melon.

To keep the beautiful green color of bitter melon, the cook should boil the water before adding the bitter melon to cook and do not use lid while cooking.

Stuffed bitter melon is a popular dish in hot summer days of Tuyen Quang people.

After cooking, add a little spring onion into the dish, we have a nutritious, cooling stuffed bitter melon.

The finished dish will have the crispiness of the bitter melon, the fat of the meat, the aroma of pepper and fish sauce.

Thu Trang

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