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Culture remains, the nation remains

TQO - Throughout his life and career, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has always paid special attention and devoted much enthusiasm to the cause of building and developing national culture. The General Secretary has always deeply imbued with the tasks and missions that the Party and Uncle Ho have identified: "Culture must light the way for the nation to go".

Speaking at the 2021 National Cultural Conference, the General Secretary emphasized: "Culture is the soul of the nation, expressing the identity of the nation. Culture remains, the nation remains...". This is an important guideline, guiding the development of national culture. That viewpoint has added motivation for the team of cultural cadres across the country in general and Tuyen Quang in particular to strive, constantly move forward, with the determination and aspiration to revive and successfully build an advanced Vietnamese culture, imbued with national identity.

Implementing the General Secretary's instructions, Tuyen Quang province has issued mechanisms and policies to facilitate, build and develop cultural careers. The cause of building and developing culture and people in Tuyen Quang has had positive changes.

The cultural environment in Tuyen Quang has been improved; cultural, literary and artistic products are increasingly diverse and rich; cultural institutions, especially grassroots cultural institutions, have received attention; many tangible and intangible cultural heritages have been preserved and embellished; religious and spiritual activities have received investment attention; exchange and foreign affairs activities in the fields of culture, sports and tourism with a number of countries in the region and the world have been enhanced.

The imprint of cultural identity and people of Tuyen Quang has been gradually shaped and spread widely, creating a strong driving force to promote Tuyen Quang's development.

Hoang Anh

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