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Investing in technology to improve OCOP products

TQO - Developing the production of OCOP products in the direction of technology investment and production linkage not only brings high economic value and efficiency but also contributes to improving quality, helping the products have their own unique features.

Binh Minh Organic Agricultural Products Cooperative invests in a production line for tea bags, creating jobs for many local workers.

After the efforts to invest in technology and improve product quality of OCOP product, recently, 7 OCOP products of Tuyen Quang have signed export contracts to the UK market through R.Y.B Joint Stock Company (Hanoi), including green-heart black bean tea bags of Hong Phat Organic Cooperative (Chiem Hoa); guava tea, male papaya flowers soaked in honey of Binh Minh Organic Agricultural Products Cooperative; dried bananas of Chieu Yen Clean Banana Cooperative; Soi Ha grapefruit of Xuan Van Agricultural Cooperative (Yen Son); lemon syrup, kumquat syrup of Minh Thao Agricultural and Medicinal Products Cooperative (Ham Yen). All products have been certified as 4-star OCOP products. This is the first time that OCOP star agricultural products of Tuyen Quang farmers have been exported to the European market.

According to a survey by the Provincial People's Council, many production models are still small and fragmented, with links in production and product consumption lacking sustainability, facing many difficulties in finding product consumption markets, such as the model of linking production and consumption of sturgeon products in Thuong Lam (Lam Binh), corn wine products with leaf yeast of Nang Kha Agricultural Cooperative (Na Hang), black pork sour meat products of Thanh Tuong Inter-village Cooperative (Na Hang), etc.

To solve the above shortcomings, it is necessary to have the participation of the entire political system, especially the leadership role of Party committees and authorities at all levels in improving the quality of agricultural products, promoting the application of information technology, digital transformation, and developing e-commerce for OCOP products through e-commerce platforms.

At the same time, promote and introduce products, create conditions for entities to participate in trade promotion through fairs, tourism activities, and bring OCOP products into the socio-economic development action program, associated with the construction of new rural areas of each locality.

To enhance OCOP products, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has organized promotion and trade promotion for agricultural products and OCOP through conferences, online display booths and supported the posting of OCOP product information on a number of websites such as: ocop.snntuyenquang.gov.vn; ocopvietnam.gov.vn and Tuyen Quang E-commerce Trading Floor. At the same time, support entities with OCOP products of the province and guide the use of booths to sell OCOP products on e-commerce platforms such as PostMart.vn, Voso.vn, Shopee, etc. Thereby helping typical OCOP products of the province get closer to domestic consumers, while creating a solid foundation for products on the market.

Hai Lam

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