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Ensuring occupational safety and hygiene in enterprises

TQO - The 2024 Occupational Safety and Hygiene Action Month is implemented with the theme: Strengthening occupational safety and hygiene at the workplace and in the supply chain.

Officers of the Division of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs promote occupational safety and hygiene for workers of Future of Sound Vina Co., Ltd. in Phuc Ung Industrial Cluster (Son Duong).

This theme aims to promote and create a clear change in awareness, perception, as well as specific actions on ensuring occupational safety and hygiene, minimizing occupational accidents and occupational diseases at the workplace, approaching social responsibility for employers and employees in occupational safety and hygiene.

The organization of the Action Month aims to promote activities to prevent occupational accidents and diseases and improve labor productivity at the workplace.

Units and enterprises in the province have actively responded to the Action Month and required cadres and workers to strictly implement the regulations.

Some enterprises also placed signs listing the number of safe days at the entrance to remind cadres and workers to try to ensure occupational safety and hygiene.

It can be affirmed that occupational safety and hygiene in units and enterprises is always a mandatory condition to ensure stable and developing production and business activities.

Huy Hoang

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