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Effectiveness in administrative procedure reform

TQO - In 2024, Tuyen Quang was recognized as one of the provinces and cities with high rankings in the Government's Index of Direction, Administration and Assessment of Service Quality for People and Enterprises. This result is the effort and determination of all levels, sectors and localities in applying digital transformation in administrative procedure reform.

Officers of the Department of Transport guide people to submit online applications for driver's license renewal.

In implementing digital transformation in administrative procedure reform, in recent times, the province has strongly deployed online public services, helping to reduce cumbersome administrative procedures to save time for people.

The online public service system at levels 3 and 4 has been widely applied, helping people to perform many administrative procedures without having to go directly to state agencies. This not only increases transparency but also reduces administrative costs, creating maximum convenience for people and businesses.

Thanks to the determination of the entire political system in promoting digital transformation, it has contributed to improving the ranking in the Index of direction, operation and assessment of service quality for people and businesses of the province (ranked 14/63 provinces and cities in June and July 2024). In 2023, the Provincial PAR Index ranked 16/63 provinces and cities, up 16 places compared to 2022; The Provincial Competitiveness Index increased by 2.59 points, the Satisfaction Index of people and organizations with the service of state administrative agencies ranked 26/63 provinces and cities.

Thanh Phuc

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