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Building culture and people of Tuyen Quang

TQO - Continuing to thoroughly grasp the viewpoints, tasks and solutions for building Vietnamese culture and people to meet the requirements of sustainable national development, on May 30, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee will organize a provincial cultural conference and summarize Resolution No. 33-NQ/TW of the Central Executive Committee of the Party (11th tenure) on building and developing Vietnamese culture and people to meet the requirements of sustainable national development.

The conference is an opportunity to comprehensively assess the cultural field, contributing to raising awareness of the position and role of culture; arousing traditions, cultural identity and promoting potential strengths, to apply cultural development to become an endogenous strength to build Tuyen Quang province to develop sustainably.

Implementing Resolution No. 33-NQ/TW of the Party Central Committee (11th tenure), in recent times, the province has promoted propaganda work, raised awareness, innovated thinking about cultural development, built comprehensively developed Tuyen Quang people; improved the effectiveness of state management of culture; improved the quality and effectiveness of cultural activities, built a healthy, civilized and progressive cultural environment; paid attention to preserving and promoting cultural heritage associated with tourism development; proactively integrated to strengthen cooperation, exchange, propaganda and promotion of culture.

Cultural values ​​and human strength always hold an important position and have made great contributions. In the context of increasingly deep innovation and international integration today, culture has been playing an increasingly important role in the development of the country in general and the province in particular. In order for culture to truly be both a goal and a driving force for development, a spiritual and social foundation, effectively contributing to the cause of building and defending the Vietnamese Fatherland in new conditions, it requires the participation of all levels, sectors, agencies and units in the political system, contributing to building the province to increasingly develop sustainably, prosperously and happily.

Phuong Dong

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