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Price of pork and green vegetables increase sharply

TQO - Due to the fluctuation of weather, erratic rain and sunshine, people have encountered many difficulties in growing green vegetables this year. Therefore, the prices of green vegetables have also fluctuated abnormally.

Last week, it was recorded that green vegetables at traditional markets doubled compared to before. Keituk, water spinach, jute mallow increased from VND3,000 to VND6,000 per bunch.

In particular, live pigs have increased from VND55,000 to VND65,000 per kg. According to forecasts from traders in the markets, pork prices are likely to continue to increase because feed prices are high, and farmers are not interested in investing in pig farming. In addition, people travel a lot in the summer, so local pork prices are always "out of stock".

Other foods such as local fish such as grass carp and common carp remain stable at around VND80,000 per kg; Local chicken price remains at VND120,000 per kg while duck remains VND65,000 per kg.

Thanh Thanh

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