Continue to innovate and improve the quality of thematic monitoring, focusing on issues of concern to voters. Specifically, the content of monitoring the implementation of State regulations on the resolution of people's letters and complaints and conciliation work at the grassroots level.
This is a regularly determined, central task during the year. Therefore, when developing and implementing annual work plans, party committees, authorities, agencies and units at all levels have focused on implementing tasks; Strengthen the organization of exchange conferences and dialogues between party committees, authorities and people, contributing to minimizing letters and complaints in the area.
The results of supervising the resolution of people's letters and complaints at the grassroots level are always highly effective, over 80% of cases have been thoroughly resolved. Reconciliation work at the grassroots level also continues to receive attention and direction. Grassroots conciliation teams and conciliators were established and operated effectively. The results of successful conciliation in residential groups always reach a high rate of over 90%, contributing to significantly reducing the situation of people's letters and complaints.
The implementation of citizen reception, settlement of complaints and denunciations, and conciliation at the grassroots level is focused on resolving right from the grassroots level, avoiding hot spots and outstanding incidents of complaints and denunciations, which has contributed to Stabilize the political security situation, social order and safety, create conditions for successfully completing the province's socio-economic development plan.