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Solidarity to overcome storms and floods

TQO - Storm No. 3 has left a heavy impact, causing many losses in human lives and property of people in 26 provinces and cities from Thanh Hoa to the North.

In the past days, during the storms and floods, we have seen many beautiful images of military forces, police, militia, youth union members, and people of localities actively supporting people in storm and flood areas with the highest spirit and responsibility, in the fastest time to prevent and overcome the consequences caused by storms and floods.

The more challenging it is, the more the spirit of solidarity and mutual love of the Vietnamese people shines, rising up strongly to overcome difficulties and hardships together. From soldiers, police, militia to people, businesses, all try their best and join hands to help people in storm and flood areas.

The Northern Power Corporation has mobilized 4,000 staff to overcome the consequences and quickly restore power supply after storm No. 3. VNPT and Viettel corporations have restored communications as quickly as possible. Banks are studying loan options, deferrals, postponements, and debt restructuring to support people and businesses. The transportation sector is urgently restoring landslide and subsidence roads, ensuring smooth traffic. Authorities are studying exemptions, reductions, and deferrals of taxes, fees, and charges for people and businesses, etc.

The spirit of community solidarity, the tradition of mutual love, sharing food and clothes, and helping each other is the beauty and strength of the entire Vietnamese nation, once again affirmed through many practical actions that Tuyen Quang people have been doing to support each other to overcome storms and floods. That is: Son Duong District Youth Union supports free accommodation for people stranded in the locality due to floods. Authorities and residents of Tan Quang, Minh Xuan, Tan Ha, Nong Tien wards have supported households living on rafts on the river by tying ropes, reinforcing rafts and moving people and property to safety.

Each person should promote the tradition of solidarity and mutual love of the nation, join hands and hearts to create strength to overcome difficulties.

Phuong Dong

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