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Hypocrisy fight

TQO - Hypocrisy is behavior that uses an outward moral cover; say and do seemingly standard things, just like ethical people, to conceal the nature of internal opportunities, to deceive individuals and groups, to seek personal gain, personal gain, and harm the community.

Reality shows that, without being dealt with by the authorities, some officials have used a hypocritical face to "outwit" many authorities and party organizations at all levels; Trusted to hold leadership and management positions. They consolidated their power with statements preaching revolutionary ethics and setting an example for their subordinates and the people.

The greater the status of people, the greater the consequences of hypocrisy for the people.

Many people know about hypocrisy but do not fight, or do not dare to fight, and even tolerate it. Because many hypocritical people are in the group of influential people who have authority over the rest of the group in the agency and locality. The indifference and fear of confrontation of many people have created an environment and a living ground for hypocrisy to increasingly develop.

The root cause of hypocrisy is individualism. If we want to eradicate hypocrisy, we must fight uncompromisingly against individualism.

The Party has just issued revolutionary ethical standards for cadres and party members in the new period, which is a strong message about strictly observing ethical standards at a very high and very specific level.

Therefore, party committees at all levels, agencies and organizations need to seriously acknowledge weaknesses and limitations; including exposing and fighting hypocrisy so that each party cadre and member can constantly cultivate and train; to strengthen the people's confidence in the Party.

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