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Ensuring safe high school graduation exams

TQO - From June 26 to 28, the 2024 High School Graduation Exam will take place. This is an important exam for both recognition of high school graduation and admission to universities and colleges.

The education sector has directed high schools in Tuyen Quang province and relevant units and localities to prepare well the conditions for the exam to take place successfully.

The province has 9,022 candidates registered to take the exam, of which 357 candidates freely take the exam at 29 exam locations, 458 exam rooms, with a force of more than 1,600 people participating in organizing the exam.

Through inspection and review, 100% of exam scores ensure facilities to serve the organization of the exam.

Candidates will take 4 exams including: Mathematics, Literature, Foreign Language and one of 2 combined exams: Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Social Sciences (History, Geography). , Citizenship education with general education; or History, Geography with continuing education) for graduation.

Particularly, candidates studying continuing education take 3 exams including: Math, Literature and one of 2 combined exams for graduation.

Candidates studying continuing education programs can register for additional foreign language exams if they wish to use these results for university or college admission.

In order for the exam to be successful in all aspects, the education sector and relevant units and localities have prepared all conditions with the highest goal of ensuring a safe, quality, thoughtful and fair exam.

Phuong Dong

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