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Building civilized urban areas

TQO - The 13th National Party Congress advocated “taking urban areas as the driving force for regional development” as one of the three strategic breakthroughs for the 2021-2030 period, in which by 2025, the urbanization rate will be about 45%; by 2030, it will reach more than 50%. It can be seen that urban living space is increasingly expanding and gradually balancing with rural living space, which previously occupied the majority in our country. As the urbanization rate increases, the story of building civilized urban areas becomes more urgent. While many localities have met new rural standards, building to meet civilized urban standards is facing difficulties.

In 2022, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 04/2022/QD-TTg, stipulating the criteria, order, and procedures for considering recognition of civilized urban standards, according to which civilized urban areas need to meet 9 basic criteria. These are urban planning, urban transport; environment and food safety; security and order; urban information and communication; employment, average income and poor households; culture, sports; health, education; political system and responsibility of urban authorities.

Building civilized urban standards is considered a major policy, which can create a widespread movement that spreads throughout the country, parallel with the new rural construction movement.

In large cities in general, urban areas in Tuyen Quang province in particular, the phenomenon of encroachment on roads and sidewalks for business, and violations of traffic safety and order are like indispensable "specialties".

Experts emphasize the role of autonomy and self-responsibility of urban authorities and improving professional capacity in urban development management. Urban authorities play an increasingly important role in implementing urban development plans, especially in the context of the policy of decentralization and delegation of power to local authorities.

Nguyen Dat

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