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A life cycle ritual of the Cao Lan peoeple

TQO - The Cao Lan ethnic group, also known as San Chay in Tuyen Quang, has over 70,000 people, the third largest ethnic minority after the Tay and Dao ethnic groups, residing mainly in 37 communes in the three districts of Son Duong, Yen Son, and Ham Yen. Thus, with over 200,000 Cao Lan people nationwide, the Cao Lan people in Tuyen Quang account for over 36%, the largest in the country.

For the deceased, the Cao Lan people have many customs, of which the most typical ritual is the culture of building a car house and dancing the three-tone dance. Followings are photos of the ritual of building a car house and dancing the three-tone dance for a prestigious priest of the Cao Lan people in Khuan Then village, Hung Duc commune, Ham Yen who has just passed away.

The culture of building a car house for the deceased of the Cao Lan people has 2 levels, the level for teachers and for ordinary people.

Building a car house for the newly deceased.

The ceremony of breaking out of prison to redeem the dead.

The ceremony of opening the road, opening the road to dance the three-tone dance.

Opening the road, opening the road.

The ceremony of erecting the phan tree.

Inviting the soul to the phan tree.

The three-tone dance ceremony is only for Cao Lan shamans when they die, performed together with the house-car ceremony.

Quang Hoa

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