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Tam Hoa Plum in Na La

TQO - Na La village, Son Phu commune (Na Hang) is not only famous in the district for the movement of growing bamboo for shoots, but also is the capital of Tam Hoa plum trees.

Traders come to the garden to buy Tam Hoa plums.

In the whole Son Phu commune, only Na La village still maintains Tam Hoa plum trees, with about 5 hectares of area and a few households growing them.

The annual yield is about 4 tons, the stable market price purchased at the garden is VND20,000 - VND25,000 per kg.

Comrade Ha Van Duc, Chairman of Son Phu commune People's Committee, said that in the whole Son Phu commune, Na La village still maintains a few households persistently sticking with Tam Hoa plum trees, but in the past 3 years, the plum trees not only fruit for agriculture, but are also becoming a tourist highlight every time the flower season comes, attracting many domestic and foreign tourists.

Le Duy

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