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H’mong people in Hong Thai develop their economy thanks to cow raising

TQO - The H’mong people in Hong Thai commune (Na Hang) today have really changed their thinking, gradually getting involved in raising large livestock as well as applying science and technology to production to rise up and get rich right on their homeland.

The herd of cows of Mr. Hoang Van Vang's family, Khuoi Phay hamlet, Hong Thai commune (Na Hang).

Chairman of the Hong Thai commune People's Committee, Tran Duc Tuan, said that the program of borrowing cows to pay for calves according to the 2 Decisions 141 and 283 has been implemented in 7 hamlets in Hong Thai commune, but is most concentrated in the 2 hamlets of Hong Ba and Khuoi Phay with the majority of H’mong people, and is really effective.

Of the 73 households that have received loans under the 2 programs, 53 have escaped poverty so far, contributing to the implementation of the criteria for advanced new rural areas in the commune.

With the diversity of economic models, each year the income is about VND50 to VND70 million.

In the near future, with fertile land and large grassland areas, there will certainly be more economic models from breeding cows that are effective and increase people's income.

Le Duy

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