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Golden season in the rice paddy fields of ATK communes

TQO - These days, the sounds of farmers harvesting spring rice and preparing the land for the summer-autumn crop throughout the fields and hamlets in ATK communes of Yen Son district has created a joyful picture of the harvest season.

Currently, the spring rice crop in all the fields in ATK communes is ripening, people are taking advantage of favorable weather to harvest rice and prepare the land for planting the summer-autumn crop. (In the photo: People of Hung Loi commune (Yen Son) harvest spring rice).

The joy of a good harvest of rice in Dong Chang village, Hung Loi commune.

The bright smiles of farmers in Khuon Dien village, Kim Quan commune (Yen Son) amidst the golden rice paddy fields.

Taking advantage of the summer vacation, many students help their families harvest rice.

After harvesting, the rice is gathered for threshing.

After threshing, the rice is carefully sifted.

... and packed into bags to be transported home.

People in Dao Vien commune (Yen Son) mechanize agricultural production.

Rice grains after threshing.

After harvesting, people in Duc Uy village, Trung Son commune (Yen Son) immediately start tilling the land to prepare for the crop.

Quoc Viet

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