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Timely and humane

TQO - Recently, the Government issued Resolution No. 143/NQ-CP on key tasks and solutions to urgently overcome the consequences of storm No. 3, quickly stabilize the people's situation, promote the recovery of production and business, actively promote economic growth, and control inflation well.

In particular, the Government requested the Ministry of Finance to promptly and effectively implement policies on exemption, reduction, and extension of taxes, fees, land rents, water surface rents, etc. for those affected and damaged by storms, floods, landslides, and landslides in accordance with the law.

According to statistics as of September 23, Tuyen Quang had 5 deaths; 72 houses collapsed and completely damaged; 111 houses were severely and very severely damaged; 20,474 houses were flooded, with damage of less than 30%; 5,106 households had to be evacuated to safe places; 39 schools, 2 commune health stations were affected; 5,182.6 ha of rice; 2,890 ha of corn, vegetables; 1,352.7 ha of fruit trees and annual crops, 908.6 ha of forestry trees were damaged; 1,665 cattle and 20,072 poultry died; 660 ha of fish ponds were flooded, overflowed; 466 aquaculture cages were swept away. The floods also caused 37 pumping stations, dams, reservoirs, and embankments to collapse and be damaged; 4 incidents of dykes and embankments; 12 clean water works were damaged; many national highways and local roads were flooded, blocked, eroded, and damaged; 13 inter-village bridges were damaged; many electric poles and fiber optic cables were broken and collapsed; many agency headquarters and schools were flooded, affected, and caused many other damages. Estimated damage is about VND1,351 billion.

Although the entire political system has made efforts, many localities, organizations, and volunteers have joined hands to support and remove difficulties to help restore production and business soon, but up to now, many businesses and factories are still in the repair phase and cannot operate at full capacity. The flooded rice fields have not been able to start a new crop.

People are excited to see that the Government has immediately issued instructions on exemption, reduction, and extension of taxes, fees, land rent, water surface rent for those affected and damaged by storms, floods, landslides. However, people also need timely cooperation and responsibility from all levels and sectors. Because the Resolution is available, it needs to be specified in each field and locality for practical and timely implementation.

Only then will Resolution No. 143/NQ-CP be truly timely, have noble humanistic meaning, practically support production and business, contribute to soon stabilizing the lives of people and businesses and effectively implementing growth targets.

Ngoc Linh

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