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Completing 3,000 km of expressways

TQO - The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress considers synchronous development of infrastructure as one of the three strategic breakthroughs, in which the development of transport infrastructure is an important pillar, setting the goal of putting 3,000 km of expressways into operation by 2025 (striving to put 5,000 km into operation by 2030).

In particular, Tuyen Quang province focuses on directing departments, branches and localities to mobilize maximum resources, focus on solving difficulties and obstacles to recover the remaining land area and hand over the entire site for the Tuyen Quang - Ha Giang expressway project.

The Prime Minister requested the Secretaries and Chairmen of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities to focus more on leading and directing agencies and units, mobilizing the combined strength of the entire political system; Organizations and unions such as the Fatherland Front, the People's Mobilization Committee, political and social organizations, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, etc. must participate in site clearance work; strengthen direct work with the people, carry out mass mobilization work to grasp their aspirations, creatively, flexibly and effectively apply legal regulations to resolve people's legitimate and reasonable complaints and recommendations, etc.; coordinate with investors to prioritize site clearance at locations that are critical to construction progress such as weak soil treatment areas, large bridges and tunnels, and construction access roads.

Phuong Dong

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