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Startup support

TQO - In order to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship, business start-up, and support the process of economic restructuring towards increasing the proportion of goods and services in especially difficult communes and ethnic minority areas, the People's Committee The province issued Plan No. 105/KH-UBND, dated June 1, 2024, on organizing activities to support production development along the value chain, promote business startups and attract investment in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in Tuyen Quang province, 2024.

Accordingly, many activity programs will be organized to support businesses, cooperatives, households, and individuals of ethnic minorities and poor Kinh households living in communes and villages of ethnic minorities and mountainous areas, such as organizing trade and tourism promotion activities associated with attracting investment, connecting product consumption, fairs, and trade connection events; communication to promote products of ethnic minority and mountainous areas; Organize training courses to develop human resources for ethnic minority and mountainous areas; Organize a market to display and introduce connections to consume cultural and culinary products of ethnic minority and mountainous areas; etc.

Relevant departments, branches and branches are assigned specific tasks and coordinate to organize trade and investment promotion activities; mobilize and invite businesses, cooperatives, and households in ethnic minority and mountainous areas. At the same time, select products and items that ensure quality and standards to participate in activities to support production development along the value chain, promote business startups, entrepreneurship and attract investment in the delta region. ethnic minorities and mountainous areas in the province.

Through activities to promote production development, connect supply and demand, innovate, raise income, and stabilize the lives of ethnic minorities and mountainous people; Reduce poverty quickly and sustainably, and well implement the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021-2025.

Phuong Dong

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