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Consistency in land valuation methods

TQO - In recent years, the issue of land valuation and site clearance compensation has encountered many difficulties in some localities, when there is a large difference between land valuation and resettlement methods.

Currently, land clearance compensation and support is implemented through the application of the city's land coefficient combined with the regional coefficient. Meanwhile, resettlement land is valued by the method of comparison with commercial housing prices or land use rights auctions in the area.

Recently, the draft Decree regulating compensation, support, and resettlement when the State recovers land and the draft Decree regulating land prices to provide detailed guidance on the implementation of a number of articles of the Land Law (amended) are being consulted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment with relevant ministries, branches, units, etc.

Currently, many localities agree that the draft needs to clearly stipulate valuation methods, especially the method of adjusting land price coefficients; methods for determining market land prices for each land location and area; land prices of land plots to be valued... Calculation methods need to be synchronized and consistent in the same area and project, ensuring fairness and harmony of interests. The Land Law (amended) has many new and breakthrough policies and guidelines on land prices, compensation, support, and resettlement when the State reclaims land, ensuring that people whose land is reclaimed have housing and a life equal to or better than their old place of residence. It is important that the guiding decrees need to be consistent in policy, creating fairness, with State regulation, not omitting any subjects; promptly institutionalizing regulations and practical experiences that have been proven to be correct and effective.

Nguyen Dat

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