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Goat farming in Thuong Giap

TQO - Goat farming is truly a new direction for households in Thuong Giap commune (Na Hang) to escape poverty sustainably and develop the economy.

The model of fattening goats of Mr. Vi Van Thien, Na Thai village, Thuong Giap commune (Na Hang).

Thuong Giap commune (Na Hang) currently has 700 goats, concentrated in three out of six villages of the commune including Na Thai, Ban Cuom, Nam Cam.

Most families in Thuong Giap commune raise goats in the form of fattening with a stable output of about VND100,000 per kg.

The goat herd of Mrs. Trieu Thi Yen's family, Ban Vit village, Thuong Giap commune (Na Hang).

With the available and abundant food source under the forest canopy as well as clean water from the stream, goat farming of Thuong Nong people has increased rapidly in quantity and reduced many care costs, contributing to economic development for local people.

Le Duy

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