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Accessing to capital

TQO - In the context of forecasting that the world economic situation still has many difficulties, in order to achieve the set growth target, the Prime Minister signed and issued Directive No.14 dated May 2, 2024 on implementation. The task of operating monetary policy in 2024, focusing on removing difficulties for production and business, promoting growth and stabilizing the macroeconomy.

With the motto "5 increases" including increasing: ability to access and absorb credit; Resolve legal problems and credit quality; Close and effective coordination between the State, banks and businesses; public and transparent on mobilization and lending interest rates and combating black credit; Supervise, inspect and prevent risks, fight against corruption and negativity. "5 reductions" include reducing: loan interest rates; transaction and operating costs; administrative procedures; trouble, harassment; negative, group benefits. "5 accelerations and breakthroughs" include: digitalization; service quality; quality of personel; banking infrastructure; serving production and business, creating jobs and livelihoods for people, contributing to economic growth... The Prime Minister requested to direct credit to production and business; Cut costs, reduce lending interest rates, and prevent people and businesses from lacking capital.

The year 2024 is very important in implementing the 5-year socio-economic development plan 2021-2025 according to the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the resolutions of party congresses at all levels. Sectors and units need to well implement the Prime Minister's direction: strengthen solidarity, companionship, coordination, sharing and help in the banking system; between levels, sectors, agencies and the banking system; between the banking system, businesses and people. Determined to remove difficulties, promote production and business, ensure people and businesses truly enjoy, and strive the highest to achieve the best results in 2024.

Phuong Dong

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